Our services

Discover bespoke benefits advice for your business, across the entire range of employee benefits.

Enhance your employee offering

Our experienced Benefit Consultants provide tailored advice for businesses looking to boost recruitment and retain talent with an improved benefit offering.

We also offer support to employees, helping them understand and take advantage of their benefits. This can range from information packs and member education seminars to one-on-one meetings to provide information and guidance.

Learn more about our approach

Benefit Consultancy

  1. Pensions (including annual scheme governance)

  2. Auto-Enrolment

  3. Scheme Discontinuance

  4. Salary Exchange

  5. Defined Benefit Scheme Trustee Advice

Please note, The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate advice on certain aspects of corporate services.


A variety of risk and health benefits

  1. Group Life Assurance

  2. Group Income Protection

  3. Group Private Medical Insurance

  4. Cash Plans

  5. Group Dependants Cover

  6. Dental Plans

  7. Employee Assistance Programme

  8. Group Critical Illness Cover

  9. Voluntary Benefits

  10. Flexible Benefits

Specialist Divisions

Our other teams available to support you

Succession Wealth Management

Help you to achieve your individual financial ambitions and create a bespoke plan, with views on risk and key financial milestones.

Succession Financial Management

Provide mortgage and individual protection advice, combined with a restricted investment service.

Succession Independent Schools

Offer consultancy and planning support for those within the education sectors more generally, as well as independent schools.


Learn more about us

If you’d like to get a better understanding of our different services and approach to fees, you can find more detail in our brochure.

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